Ally Jina Kim
Human-Centered Innovation Facilitator
GS, Korea
A selection of editorials I've worked on
52g (5pen 2nnovation GS)
Team Lead
@ GS Holdings (2020-)52g is the open innovation community at the GS group, the very first innovation program that encourages intrapreneurs' bottom-up innovation movement in Korea. 52g brand logo consists of figures representing the field's youthful passion, capability, and talents. I designed 52g: the bottom-up open innovation eco-system within GS, including innovation infra, training program, and enabling project systems. Last three years, more than 3000 participated in 52g program, and it ended up with over 100 projects. We run a design studio of digital specialists to help employee ideas realize and enlighten the future of business.
website : www.52g.gs
- GS Connect(EV Charging Service) UX Design Project (2022-23)
- GS Art Center Re-Branding Projects (2022)
- GS Caltex Rider Gas Station Experience Design (2021)
- GS Innovation Hackathon (2021-23)
- 52g Innovation Catalyst / Facilitator Traning Programs
Innovation Facilitator
@Inno.Lab GS SHOP (2019-)Inno.Bot is the innovation eco-system connecting ideas to employees. To develop business agility, we need to break the team silo and creative collaborative environment towards customer value. Inno.Bot helps to discover the business opportunities and change-agent to work together. Inno.Bot is a web service based on workplace chat-bot. In 2019, 316 ideas raised up with this platform and 271 people had participated.
website : https://innobot.gsshop.com
Design Sprint Project
Sprint Master
@Inno.Lab GS SHOP (2018-)We quickly prototype ideas based on Google Sprint and help you test and validate the hypothesis. Develop adaptive design sprint in product development and program planning for the broadcasting industry (Convey UX 2019 Keynote).
- Mobile Live (V-Commerce) Concept Design- AI Call-Monitor Dashboard Design
Innovation Training
Master Facilitator
@Inno.lab GS SHOP (2017-18)We design and operate training to learn and practice Human Cantered Innovation that responds more quickly to change. Experience with leading design consulting companies such as IDEO, Experience Point and Google Sprint Experts.
- GS SHOP Innovaiton 101
- GS SHOP Innovation Deep Dive
- GS SHOP Design Sprint Academy
- GS Group Grow us Together
- GS Caltex Innovation Vangard
- Kaist Entrepreneur Summer Program
Digital Collaboration Tools
1st Korea Workplace Partner / Launching Project Lead
@Inno.lab GS SHOP (2016-17)Utilizing various enterprise collaboration tools, we design digital transformation recipes for your organization. We introduced the Facebook Workplace for Business to GS SHOP for the first time in Korea and branded and implemented the GS SHOP CONNECT program for change management.
- GS SHOP CONNECT (2017.7)
Innovation Hackathon
Project / Success Lead
@Inno.lab GS SHOP (2015-19)Hackathon is an Innovation Trigger event that prototypes ideas for 24 hours. It is held on the first Thursday in September every year for four years after launching in 2015. A total of 486 people participated and submitted 136 ideas. Some ideas are realized such as g-bot that senses risks through SNS, customer survey platform.
website : hack.innolab.us
Product Owner
@Inno.lab GS SHOP (2016-17)We lead projects that define problems based on design thinking and test and develop small with agile. In the retail industry, based on the needs of internal employees, this is an example of the methodology's success.
Website: smim.innolab.us
Other Agile Projects
- MINT: mint.innolab.us
- SMIM2: smim2.innolab.us
CEO / Co-Founder
@Wonderhouse (2012-14)I've run the guest house : wonderhouse in Seoul for 2 years as a side project. I targeted the niche : 3-5 Asian tourist groups and tried to generate the experience of staying at Korean girls' rooms, which most Asian tourists admire. During that time, we made 400% growth and expanded several branches. This experience shaped my leadership a lot, understanding the value of a lean and customer-centric team, and learning the importance of cultivating good culture and working processes.
Service Designer / Co-Founder
@Tripperz (2011)I designed a social travel platform called Tripperz, which makes friends in the local community for travelers. I was one of the Co-Founder and in charge of UX and service design. However, we were not a great team that could not pivot aggressively fitting into customer needs, so we eventually stopped service in seven months. Through this experience, I became interested in developing a customer-centric service and cultivating a growth culture.
LIG Insurance
Next Generation Project
Database Engineer
@Tech Architect, LIGS (2008-10)I worked as a database engineer in a large-scale IT project that transformed the main system of a financial company. The project, more than 300 experts participated, took 2 years.
In this project, I designed and operated an IBM DB2-based database fulfilling business and technical goals. During the time, I was able to build the ability to work with various stakeholders and basic IT literacy.
The word around town
Xander Pollock
Design sprint consultant, former googler
As a former startup founder, and Googler, I can confidently say that that Ally is an expert in the Google Ventures Design Sprint process. During our work together over multiple months, I saw first-hand how she was able to facilitate diverse groups, all working on different ideas and prototypes towards a common goal. She swiftly and easily switched between offering detail-level advice and big-picture guidance, keeping track of the overall process, individual people, and a wide range of concepts. Ally is someone I can trust, rely on, and work alongside to train and teach difficult startup principles and practices.
G1 Jung
Samsung design innovation center, Project lead / former IDEO Designer
Ally is a dedicated innovation facilitator and always eager to learn and grow. While I was working closely with Ally on a series of Design Thinking & Innovation workshops, she has impressed me with her ability to engage people of all backgrounds and experience levels as well as help different teams navigate the complex tasks with her creative and agile mind. She is meticulous with her effort to create the right program and provide tools to help the teams achieve their goals. I would highly recommend Ally to anyone who is looking for a coach who has the tenacity and a right mindset to drive a team and an organization for a creative transformation.
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